Review: 23 de diciembre de 2022, reviewer The Identifier
110 vistas

Reality Kings has been around since 2000, and their outstanding back-catalog would be enough to keep you entertained for years; but with new scenes being released daily, the party is a long way from being over. Anyone who's anyone in the porn industry has seemingly shot at least one scene here at some point over the years, so you’ll find your favorites as well as discover new ones along the way.

The site runs off the same platform and interfaces as seen on sites such as Brazzers, Mofos, and Digital Playground... if you are familiar with any of those. This essentially means that you can select between 'scenes' or 'actors' when typing a search term into the search bar at the top. Your favorite performers are almost certain to be on here. Alternatively, you can find who you are looking for using the 'pornstars' directory tab. This includes both male and female performers by default, but you can use the search filters to only include females in the results. You can then narrow down your search further by using options such as hair color or big boobs, and so on.

1080p HD videos

The website is slick and reasonably easy to navigate. For example, you can load videos to stream straight away without any buffering, and galleries & videos download without delay. I have a rather modest internet connection speed, which tells me that their servers are top-notch. Videos are typically available to be downloaded in 1080p, 720p, 480p, or 320p. Some of the older scenes (say from 2009) do not have such high-quality versions available due to technological advances since then. One cool thing I like about the video streams is that a timeline sits underneath it, so you can click straight onto and watch bits where certain sexual acts are performed (e.g. cowgirl, facial etc.)

Add models to your favorites

You can add any models you come across to your 'favorites', which can then be easily accessed in the future from a list in the menu whenever you're logged in. The same goes for any scenes you might want to favorite. There's also a 'watch later' option for videos you want to check out at a later date. Each scene or model can even be given a 'like' or 'dislike' depending on your verdict. There's a 'feedback' tab visible on the side at all times so that you can submit feedback, such as any issues you might encounter or suggested improvements. I cannot comment on how good or bad they are at responding, but I plan to send them a few of my thoughts on the back of writing this review!

Zipped high resolution photo sets

As far as downloading image galleries are concerned, you have the option to download the entire set to your hard drive in a ZIP file. You do not get to choose the resolution of the image set like you can on some sites, it just downloads them in one standard size. You don't know what resolution it will be until you download it and look at it. From a lot of the ones I have downloaded, which admittedly were some of the older ones from 8 years ago or more, I was quite disappointed with the size of them because they were quite small at 900x600 pixels. That said, I did come across a Jill Kassidy scene from late 2019 that was 3000x2000 pixels, which is more than adequate!

Reality Kings network

Not all of the videos available on the site are necessarily scenes that originated on Reality Kings. To use one of my favorite babes, Lily Love, as an example, her catalog of available videos includes scenes from GF Revenge and HD Love, sites that are no longer in existence. Thankfully though, evidently, some of these have found a new home!

At least one brand new Reality Kings scene is released every day (sometimes two), so if you are enough of a porn addict to check back on a daily basis, then you will always have something new to look at. And if you check in, say... maybe just once or twice a week, then there will be plenty of new stuff to choose from by the time you next log on.

A few annoying things

For all of the good stuff, there are a few things that bug me, which I will now go into.

The fact that males are included in the pornstar directory becomes irritating after a while. They should either make it females only by default with the option to also include males if so desired, or they should enable you to save your own preferences so that you don't constantly have to make the same adjustments every time you want to do a search. If you look at the 'Pornstars' page as a non-logged-in user, it only shows females, so I'm not quite sure why that isn't the same for logged-in users too.

I have found the search bar at the top to be quite temperamental too. I mentioned earlier that you are almost certain to be able to find your favorite model, but the site is good at making you think, "What!? They haven't got Model X on here!?" only for you to later realize that they have. For some reason, the search doesn't always return the name you are typing in. I don't know why this is.

Another annoyance is that you are obligated to re-enter your login credentials at reasonably regular intervals. I would say it's roughly every hour, whether you have been active during that time or not. The really annoying part of this though is that you have to repeat your previous action after you have logged in again. For example, if I have typed in someone's name and clicked on their profile if I've been logged out - I'll have to do it again because upon logging in again, I just get redirected to the Porn Portal store page which tries to tempt you to pay more money by signing up for other stuff. If these words don't mean much to you now, you'll soon know what I'm talking about, as you'll share the same grievance.

Older scenes are lower resolution

I must admit that my focus in terms of the content I have consumed has mostly been on the more established names in the business who aren't necessarily producing any (or much) content anymore, or at least not on Reality Kings. I had a rather large 'wishlist' of stuff on Reality Kings I'd wanted to look at for some time which I have been indulging in. To reiterate an earlier point I made, you'll go a long time before you run out of stuff to look at, to the point that you might not even see a constant flow of new material as necessarily being a requirement to make your subscription worthwhile. There is an abundance of quality stuff on offer, and to only focus on the new releases would be to miss out on some of the gems from the past. And as someone who has witnessed scenes get removed from porn sites for one reason or another (e.g. legal reasons or selective downsizing of catalogs), I like to enjoy some of the older stuff while I can! All I would say on the matter is that if you are used to enjoying videos in the highest quality (e.g. 4K) as has become the norm these days, looking back at some of the older stuff may not meet your heightened standards as scenes simply weren't shot in as high quality back then. That is the fault of no one and is just how things have evolved. At least, I'd like to think that Reality Kings are not holding back in terms of the available quality of older scenes to save storage space or something along those lines, given the comparative lack of views that they must get versus newer releases.

Screencaps only for new releases

My biggest concern is that they seem to have done away with photoshoots for their modern-day releases in favor of just cherry-picking the best screencaps from the videos themselves to form an image gallery. As somebody who has always valued the separate high-resolution photo shoots which go alongside the shot scene, I hope this is not the start of a trend, not only on Reality Kings but on other sites too. The website tracking statistics and analytics probably tell them that people are much more interested in the videos, which will ultimately be what it boils down to. It, therefore, saddens me to be in the minority who enjoy the image sets just as much, if not more so than the videos.


Reality Kings has always been one of the very best when it comes to porn both in terms of quantity and more importantly, quality. I'm pleased to report that this still rings true to this day. It remains one of the very best sites around.

In summary, the pros overwhelmingly outweigh the bad, and even some of the bad I have mentioned is not only subjective, but the views of somebody who is seemingly in the vast minority; with reference to comments to made regarding the image sets (or a lack of). Furthermore, some other gripes I have with this site are a bit technical, to the point that I didn't even bother to mention them. They are subtleties that your average person wouldn't pick up, but as a person who develops websites myself – they are some little things that I would iron out given the chance.

I am confident that you take the plunge on a Reality Kings subscription, you will not be disappointed. If you'd like to 'try before you buy', you can head over to the website as a mere visitor and check out many of the things I have talked about. You can do pretty much do everything you can as a subscriber except for the juicy bit which is actually having access to the full videos and galleries. This means that you can have a look at the model directory and things like that which I have mentioned in the review. It won’t be long before you come across a scene or babe that you deem you simply HAVE to see in full and will soon buckle and take up a subscription.

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